Coming to the UK

What to bring with you when you travel.

What to Pack


Clothing - Weather in the UK is highly variable and likely to change from day to day; temperatures range from 1°C – 5°C in winter and 20°C – 30°C in summer. It is a good idea to bring a selection of light clothes that you can wear in layers as well as some warm outer clothing and a waterproof coat or umbrella. Hats, gloves and scarves, as well as thick socks, are essential in the winter but can be bought at a reasonable price in the UK.

Winter Clothes Collection
Travel essentials flat lay including power converter, voltage travel adapter 220v 110v


We recommend you bring a mobile phone with you to the UK. In the UK, 13-amp sockets are commonly used which require three-pronged plugs. You may need an adaptor to make your devices compatible with UK sockets. Electrical items that you bring with you to the UK must have a CE certification marking and conform to UK standards.


It is a good idea to bring a few small items for your room that will remind you of home, such as photographs of family and friends, books, posters and other mementos, as these will help you to settle in and adjust to your new life in the UK.

Vintage photo albums and black and white family photos


You must go to the Admissions Office to register yourself in the desired course. The admission staff will help you in registering you in the course.

You must go to the reception to fill in the required forms. The staff in the reception will advise and help you in filling the forms. You just have to tell them what you actually want.

 You must apply by filling the ID Card Form which will be available at the reception desk.  You will need to allow time for your card to be processed. You can collect your ID Card from the Reception once it is ready.

You must meet the Student Welfare Officer to discuss your difficulties.

Go to the Reception in order to book an appointment with your Personal Tutor.

You will be given a full induction at the beginning of your course. You will be provided with an intensive induction pack where all the necessary information will be included. The induction pack will contain the following information:

  • Full title of your course
  • The course duration
  • The certificate awarding body
  • The advance date of your examination
  • The modules you will be taught
  • Who your course Coordinator is
  • Who your lecturers are
  • When to apply for the examination entry.

Please read the induction pack carefully and try to grasp the most important information in order to make a smooth start to your study. If you have any queries, you must meet one of our student service officers.

Useful Contacts

3rd Floor, County House

190 Great Dover Street

London, SE1 4YB

Advice: 0845 1668387 (9:30am-1pm Wed only)

Tel: 0207 3577511

Website: www.iasuk.org

Emergency Police, Fire Service and Ambulance No: 999